Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hangover Cafe

Well, sorry to say that between driving from Somerville to Boston and back and watching 24 that I really didn't see too much of the game yesterday. I saw us up briefly 2-1, and then suddenly we were behind again. In the first inning I heard on the radio that Mirabelli had thrown one into left field and kinda had a feeling it wasn't going to be our night... guess I was right. I think the following quote sums up the night perfectly.

From Boston.com:

"It was a lethargic day," said a very frank Doug Mirabelli, who went 2 for 3. "It didn't feel like we had the energy we had against New York. It didn't seem like we had anything going. Sometimes you don't have it every single day. A little blah today."

Minor observations: Timlin gave up a 2 run homer in the ninth, I'm really hoping he's got something left in the tank this season. Apparently Coco sat out again because of a strain in a leg muscle, unrelated to the diving attempted catch. Okijima and Papelbon should be good to go tonight after getting the day off yesterday.

Anyway, here's the recap, hopefully tonight will be an improvement...

4/23 (7-3, Sox lose)

Oh yeah, and here's a preview of tonight's game... can Tavarez possibly beat Halliday in two consecutive starts??

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